I began this blog after I finished my Masters in Medieval and Renaissance Studies. After two years of reading, thinking, and writing about history, literature, and manuscripts every day, I found myself staring into the black hole of desk jobs, data entry, and repetitive strain injury. So, to keep my brain from festering I created a blog to encourage me to keep reading, keep writing, and most of all, keep thinking.

Apparently, I managed to keep my brain from festering too much, as I’m now a PhD student at the University of Roehampton. As such, this blog is in the process of morphing from book reviews and other things I find interesting, to Early Modern theatre and other things I find interesting. My research into Elizabethan performance straddles theatre history, performance criticism, book history, archaeology and archives – so expect posts ruminating on these topics.

In 2018 I edited an oral history book about Milton Keynes with the Living Archive. Milton Keynes: The People’s Stories is available from the Living Archive website and you can read more about my experience of writing and editing it here.

If you like pictures of manuscripts and architecture and fashion, you can follow me on Pinterest.

For more bitesized ramblings on words, literature, and history, you can follow me on Twitter.